Vic and Sade – Sade Plays Rummy. 440704

As Vic and Russel are in the middle of a tournament of playing Rummy, Sade enters with a dose of neighborhood gossip and wants to be dealt in on their game. A little reluctantly, the guys deal her a hand, but her gossip keeps her distracted, and she can’t seem to get started playing her hand.

Sade is too preoccupied by the news of her day, and keeps thinking that she has played already, she rearranges the cards in her hand, but never actually plays her cards. The guys quietly wait, and try to politely urge her to make her play. Sade doesn’t want to be rushed, and begins to take offense when the guys aren’t taking much interest in her flood of juicy news.

To add agony to the delayed card game, a phone call comes in, which Sade is quick to answer. It’s a wrong number, but the gossipping keeps on when Sade returns to the game. Is it still her turn? Was it ever not hers?