Vic and Sade – Don’t Scrape Off The Watts. 440711

After a big bargain sale at Yamelton’s, the only thing that Sade comes home with is an electric light bulb. She switches the topic to Russel’s schoolwork, and memorizing definitions. When Sade begins to feel less than smart when Russel talks about mathematical things, she’s glad to show off her bargain from her shopping to Vic. Vic scrapes off the printing on the end of the bulb that labels the wattage. You know, so it won’t make a shadow when it’s lit up.

Sade thinks it will somehow have fewer watts if he does. Russel starts to explain how wattage works, but Sade won’t hear of such things. She’s just not up with matters relating to scientific or mathematical things.

Still, her lack of education doesn’t endear her any less to her family.