Lum and Abner – Cedric Thinks He Has The Measles. 430825

Though Mary was industrious in putting together her lemonade stand, her methods didn’t gain her any ground with town marshall, Henry Lunceford. In the store, Cedric tells how a quarantine has been imposed in town. On top of that, Abner reports to Lum the latest expectations Henry Lunceford has for them.

A relative is coming to town, and Lum is sure Henry is trying to get him married off to the undesirable dame. Abner makes excuses for Lum, when he doesn’t want to speak to uncle Henry over the phone. The claim is that though Lum would love to meet the visiting sister, he has to sit up with Cedric.

Though he really isn’t Sick, Cedric begins to worry he has the measles. Wait he didn’t actually get the measles when he learned about the other quarantine in town? Will the gents be forced to quarantine themselves, whether Cedric is sick or not? The party line is all abuzz with Cedric’s imagined malady. The new county nurse is on the way… Henry’s sister, nurse Silvia Lunceford.