Jack Benny – Hound Of The Baskervilles Preview. ep339, 390604

Our versatile host, able to plumb the depth of acting, is given a well crafted and lovely introduction by Don. Mary enters to keep Jack humble. Phil at least stays on a complimentary tone for his boss. Jack goes along with the gag, but broods a little when nobody cares enough to ask him about his missing car. After Kenny Baker arrives, it is revealed the cast is incorporated into a club to build up Jack and tear him down. After Don gets dramatic in sharing the sponsor message, Kenny sings, New Moon and an Old Serenade.

Mary keeps giving Jack a hard time over his comedy, but he claims his agent keeps him busy at meat markets. As Jack introduces the next production of the Flying Bennies, a knock at the door brings in Andy Divine. The gang is invited to his party for his parents golden anniversary. The topic of the missing Maxwell is brought up, and Andy brings out a car salesman in case Jack needs to replace it. Phil plays, My Heart Stood Still.

Another film success is to be portrayed, the Hound of the Baskervilles. With time on the short side, at least a preview will be given. Rochester phones in with a last moment problem from home. Jack is holding him responsible for the missing car, and docking his pay for incidents with Carmichael. The highlight reel begins. Elementary Watson… bark… howl… and more such sound bites from the movie.