Dragnet – Big Fake. ep51, 500601

You’re on Personnel detail, and a resident has filed a burglary report. Your job is to investigate it. Joe Friday and Ben Romero head to the central meeting room. Part of internal affairs, Joe and Ben sit in on charges against a fellow police officer. Minor lapses in police procedure and paperwork have conspired to ruin a career of this rookie officer. The claims of police brutality seem to be a matter of one persons word over another’s. For now, Clark has to turn in his badge and gun, but Joe and Ben hit the streets to get the truth.

The first step is to track down the facts of officer Clark’s story. Can Joe find the doctor who treated the injured man? It’s a rough start, and headlines in the newspapers don’t help. Clark’s personality and record don’t make him out to be crooked, and there’s reason to support the injured man cooked up the story to keep from telling his wife that he lost money gambling. It’s going to take hard evidence to prove either side of the case.

The canvassing of bars in the neighborhood continue, and the whereabouts of Stacey are pieced together. The doctor who treated his broken arm, and witnessed the drunken man fall is found. Confronted with the doctor, and an exotic dancer, Stacey has some explaining to do, both to his wife, and the law.