Dimension X – There Will Come Soft Rain – Zero Hour. ep11, 500617

Soft Rain: A futuristic family from 1985 moves into a fully automated house, sure to meet every need. The pleasure of being served by robots, in their self cleaning house is cut short when a nuclear holocost leaves the world outside scorched and charred.

Now the house continues to feed, and serve nobody. It takes on a surreal nature to witness the house serving its human occupants, oblivious to the emptiness of it. When will it all end? Nature takes its course over time.

Zero Hour:
In the far flung futuristic year of 1985, kids play outdoors, just as on any typical day. Mom gets dinner ready and dad is home from work. At first there’s nothing out of the ordinary, but the kids are playing a new game called, Invasion. Such imaginations kids have.

Mom gets more concerned when she uses the televisor, a Jetson style video phone, and talks to a friend from some distance away. Her kids are also playing this new invasion game. What does it all mean, and who is this imaginary friend named Drill?

It’s simple. The little girl explains it all, aliens from outer space are coming to invade the earth, and the only ones who can see them, at least for now, are the kids. Drill and his invaders have the kids gather materials, and build the portal they need to come through, and promise the kids they will rule the world, and can stay up late, and watch whatever they want on the televisor. Zero hour is set for 5PM today, and little Mink promises that all the adults and big kids will be killed, but she’ll do what she can to make Drill spare her parents. It’s all just crazy kid games… right? Mom and dad learn the truth, but now it’s too late.

PS: I just love these far flung future shows that are taking place in our far flung past. Kids still did play outdoors for the most part in 1985, and at least in our house mom and dad were present in the home, but that televisor thing was still a far cry from existing back then. It’s more of an invention of today’s times, with things like video chat, and online conferencing. Not to mention all the television programming that is now available off the web.

Compare: X Minus One – Zero Hour, Bradbury. ep26, 551123.