Vic and Sade – The Davises Are Asleep Upstairs. 390511.

It’s late in the evening at the small house halfway up the next block when Vic comes home after a lodge meeting to find Rush still awake, and reading a book. The sleepy Vic quizzes Rush on his events of the evening, getting caught up on homework activities, and a visit from Rooster Davis.

In the slow way that teenagers have about leaking out information bit by bit, the secret comes out. rush can’t keep Vic from going upstairs to bed, so he tells how it came to be that in Sade’s absence, he let his friend Rooster stay over. But it gets more complicated. It’s not just Rooster sleeping upstairs, but his brother, Rotten Davis as well.

With a car load of relatives visiting the Davis home, Rush opened the Gook household out of hospitality, and and the overflow of house guests have since over taken all the beds. The time is ticking closer and closer to midnight, and the weary Vic still has news that is slowly meted out. Will he ever get to sleep? What will Sade have to say once she returns home?

Though Vic manages to keep his cool, I think he’d rather scream like a panther. And nobody better use that towel with the blue trim on it either.