Our Miss Brooks – Boyntons Barbecue. 500507.

Audio is a bit weak and muffled sounding. Over breakfast, Connie complains to Mrs Davis about the way Boynton has been dating Miss Enright lately. We also learn about a barbecue pit that he built, and that the Conklins have an unusual menu planned. Mr Conklin seems to be less than thrilled by his wife’s menu, and he is overly flattering towards his lowly faculty as he invites himself to the barbecue.

Mix ups begin to emerge when Boynton explains to Connie that her date was for the following night, and tonight was his special diner for her rival, Miss Enright. But what fun is that? How about just having everybody over together for one big party?

For now at school, Miss Enright crosses paths with Miss Brooks for a few catty remarks. Sure enough, when the word of the cookout is spread, everybody ends up inviting themselves over. The cozy little dinner turns into a hectic string of catty remarks, and other mishaps. Look out for Connie’s special hot bBQ sauce.