Lum and Abner – Trouble Trying To Paint. 430616

A new surrealist artist has been born, when Lum found it was easier to paint it than explain it. In the feed room, Abner plays checkers with grandpap, and fills him in on Lum’s new venture, He’s wearing a smock, it’s like a woman’s apron, but without sleeves. Is Lum getting terrible to live around… wearing women’s clothes, and painting? Grandpap tells about his own artwork he made once, a still life of a bowl of fruit.

The gents get a look of Lum’s latest picture. What does Abner and grandpap think? Its like nothing they ever saw before. It’s a tree, but its not supposed to look like a tree. I think he succeeded. Getting back to their checker game, grandpap and Abner return to the feed room.

An argument over who goes first is interrupted to see Lum’s next production. He sure gets those pictures done fast, but that’s what Lum likes about the style. The checker game resumes with Abner complaining over Mable living in his attic. Though the gents praise Lum’s art, he shares a secret about how he has cheated at it.