Lum and Abner – Mabel To Move Into Attic. 430610

Mable Melrose has turned out to be an artist, looking for a place to live, and not a scheming friend of Squire’s. In her humble little attic apartment at Abner’s house, Lum and Abner get things ready for her. Lum defends his pretty little artist friend, but Abner gets confused over her being weighed in her stocking feet.

As the gents work in the attic, the tall Lum keeps bumping his head, and knocking down plaster. Abner isn’t thrilled with the changes, and worried someone will fall through the attic floor. Lizabeth won’t like it. He also is confused over what an easel is. He won’t stand for having no animals up there.

Confusions run rampant. Things that’ll make Lizabeth madder than a wet hen. Mostly from Abner jumping to conclusions over things he got wrong in his own mind. Lum tries his best to defend Mable, to the point of dissolving their partnership as co-chairmen of the war bond commission, and getting out the rope for the store. Fortunately they make up, but some of Abner’s concerns show themselves.