Lone Ranger – Fifty Thousand Head. 420316.

The Lone Ranger leads the fight in the range country as he again rides into Tomahawk Basin.

Ben Steel is again the focus of the Lone Ranger’s attentions. After his deeds in a previous episode Half Breed Gomez is now to be put on trial for poisoning water holes. Since the deed was done on Ben Steels own land, he refuses to press charges, and stands up for the half breed. He may have won the battle, but his actions have driven a wedge between himself and the ranchers of the basin.

Though the law has no proof, the ranchers see Ben Steel for the enemy that he is. Steel makes a sneaky plan to drive the price of cattle down by flooding the market with 50000 head of cattle. A huge number when the herd the local ranchers had planned on driving to market was around 6000. The Lone Ranger finds out about Steels activity and sets out to warn the honest ranchers who are busy with their roundups.

Ben Steel hears about the Lone Ranger’s counter plan to get the ranchers on the move, and a race is on.

Steel still has some sneaky moves planned so this won’t be an honest race. When Half Breed Gomez returns with a crew of hired guns, Steel tells him his new plan. What is it? Besides holding up the whole cattle drive by creating a bottleneck, what else does he have up his sleeve?

Lone Ranger fears a stampede, and though it takes longer, ssends the ranchers to drive their cattle the long way around. Are the ranchers playing into Steel’s hand to let him get his cattle to market first? Even if they move fast, can they beat Steel to town? A stampede breaks out anyway when a thunderstorm blows in, and Steel’s night riders stir things up.

It’s looking like Steel may be getting his cows to town first, but the Lone Ranger has one last plan to foil the bad guy.