Jack Benny – Jack’s 7th Anniversary On The Radio. ep334, 390430

Marking a milestone event on radio for Jack, Don calls on that same old man, in that same brown suit he appeared in all those years ago. Jack jokes about how nervous he was for his first radio appearance, and the gifts of congratulation pour in. Mary reads an ad Jack took out to hire a Gardner. Telegrams begin arriving. One with a ten word limit from Jack’s sister. Kenny arrives with attitude he picked up from Phil. Though the cast is giving Jack a hard time, Don rolls the clock, and memory back to his first appearance. Suddenly the two bicker over who came up with the sponsor tag line. After another interruption at the door, Kenny sings, Our Love.

More telegrams come in, this one from Fred Allen. Is he saluting Jack in a novel way? Phil enters to jive talk with Kenny about the jitter dolls he has lined up. Jack is hep… he’s an alligator… but it’s time to announce the play. Instead, the gang abandon the show, and head out to Schlepperman’s night club as Phil plays some swinging traveling music.

At a time before the Maxwell was a feature of the show, the cast enjoy the ride in a taxi. The tropical atmosphere sets the tone for the hot spot. The floor show starts, and Jack is recognized with mixed review. Mary helps Schlepperman with a Hawaiian tune, I Want to Go Back to My Little Grass Shack. Jack pitches in on his violin with a few bars of Love In Bloom.

Note: Though Jack plays a flat note or two, he doesn’t flavor it with his usual scratches.