Buck Rogers – Kane And Ardala Turn The Psychic Restriction Ray On Barney. 390414

Booster rockets at the bottom of an Apollo, Saturn style rocket.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Previously, Cain appeared on Barney’s rocketplane and kidnapped him, and Buck is left at the landing pad for the ship to come in. Today Buck and Wilma begin to think there’s trouble and think they can follow Barney’s space trail, and transfer the Gyro Cosmic Relatavator through an airlock in space. Simple.

They board their cruiser to try and make radio contact with Barney. With Buck and Wilma in pursuit, Barney is detained from answering the radio. Cain persists in trying to lay guilt on Barney and make him be on his side. They make a landing to pick up Ardelah, Cain’s evil sidekick, and load the ship with some mysterious cargo.

Willie is let go to fly a roadster by himself to Niagra with a note for Buck. Forcing Barney into service, Cain and Ardelah plan to hide right under Bucks nose. To make sure Barney obeys, the Psychic Restriction Ray is used on him.