Buck Rogers – Dr Huers New Relativator Is Installed. ep8, 390421.

Cain and Ardellah are still hiding out in their new secret lair, as Buck and Wilma have been recalled by Dr Hewer, and just when they were getting hot on Cains rocket trail.

As they roar along at 1200 miles per hour, Buck radios ahead to check in with the Doc, but he’s still not teling what’s so important. Back in the lab, Buck discovers that Doc has made another Gyro Cosmic Relatavator, the secret weapon that Cain stole to improve the performance of his stolen rocket plane. Just what is the Gyro Cosmic Relatavator? A device that’s something of a computer controlled flight assistance, power boosting device.

With Doc’s help installing it, Buck can now set out prepared to counter Kane. Meanwhile, Barney is still under Kane’s mind control, getting his brain tickled by the Psychic Restriction Ray. Barney does Cains grunt work to get the rocketship ready for emergency takeoffs. Barney may not be too bright, or maybe it’s the affect of the mind control, but he manages to get the rest of Cain’s stolen equipment stashed away. Cain talks to Ardellah about his evil plans, and in grabbing all the stolen weapons and equipment that he can from the nearby small towns.

Before Buck can quite leave on the trail of Cain, a rocket roadster comes wildly through the skies, and makes a crash landing right in front of him and his friends.