Our Miss Brooks – The Baseball Game. 500326.

Lately Connie has shown a big interest in baseball. As she talks with her landlady, Mrs Davis, the secret comes out. It’s all about getting closer with Mr Boynton. To fund her new hobby, Connie hits the pawn shop, run by Frank Nelson. After all her efforts, Connie gets the bad news that the game may be cancelled, because the team needs new uniforms.

Touching bases with her friends, Connie makes the rounds from Boynton to Walter, and the lunchroom crowd. How are they all handling the ball game crisis? Is there any hope to get the much needed uniforms? Let’s go back to the pawn shop, but with other people’s prized possessions, and see what we can come up with. Just imagine the embarrassing mixups that might ensue. Better yet, just listen and hear it for yourself. Be sure to stay tuned to the twist ending.