Lum and Abner – The Simpson And Abernathy Clans Arrive. 430525

Squire Skimp is pleased to see Lum in his office. Can he help Lum with any insurance, or real estate for when he gets married to the winner of the war bond election? That’s why Lum is there, but not exactly. Going into full sales pitch, Squire tells testimonials of his clients to encourage Lum to pick up more insurance.

Who is in that out of town car driving down the street? Will Squire be able to sell them insurance? Wanting Squire’s talent as a slippery character, Lum really wants advice on how to find a loophole in the election contest, and being its grand prize.

More folks are seen rolling into town as Lum continues to beg for ideas to get out of marrying either the widow Abernathy, or sister Simpson. Will the law books help? All the solutions only look like jumping out of the frying pan to Lum. Who are all those scary hill folk in town? Just relatives of the girls, to make sure their kinfolk get a square deal in that election,