Lum and Abner – Fortune Teller Abner Gets Lum In Trouble. 430517

Forced to fill in for Neoshow, the no show mystic, Abner has been busy telling fortunes, and boosting war bond sales. Today, we find grandpap in the Jot Em Down store and library, reading the almanac. Now in on the secret, grandpap helps Abner get his mystic costume on, and ready for another day of fortune telling. The success in the mystic business is going to Abner’s head. Is he really psychic? Sassyfrass!

With his knowledge of everyone in town, Abner knows what they want to hear, and just tells them. The act is so popular, folks are coming around multiple times to buy a bond and hear a fortune. Grandpap reads trivial details from the almanac, while the phone rings off the hook. Widow Abernathy wants to have Lum over for dinner.
Why the sudden interest? Lum suspects Abner told the widow what she wanted to hear, and grills him about it. The thing the widow wants most is a man in her life, and who is the most eligible bachelor in town? Did Abner promise to marry Lum off to her? Yes, but as protection he also promised him to sister Simpson. Hmm… this could be bad. Funny, but bad for Lum.