Greatest Story Ever Told – Flight Of The Children. 481017

New and possibly disturbing changes in the household could mean, there will have to be some uncomfortable lifestyle adjustments. A returning world traveller has come home to share his experiences and education while abroad. Will the farming community take to his ideas in being cost effective?

Knowledge is strength, and all those with stupid sentimentalities will do well to go away, or just die off. The townsfolk know they should trust the education of their returning son, but his ways seem so inhumane from those they have long followed.

If the returning son has his way, the revolutionary ideas could be the thing to spark change in the whole region. What will the Master say about driving out the useless and the helpless? The new rules are splitting families as useless people are sent on their way. Will the Master’s teaching on having an evil and distorted heart shed light on the evil misuse of knowledge?