Dragnet -The Big Boys. ep40, 500316

On Robbery Detail, Joe Friday finds himself on the trail of a reckless band of hoodlums. The Chief is Thad Brown. Joe’s partner is Ben Romero, and the office talk about families, and kids occupy the time before the first call breaks up their slow day.

Army desserters, and escaped convicts make up the out of town gang. Clues from a pair of Mexican girls send Joe and Ben to a hotel to question the caretaker. Will other hotel keepers be able to offer more clues? What about leads on other stolen cars?

The small time, petty armed robbers are located, and now it’s up to Joe Friday to lay low and watch their moves. Will there be gunplay? Will there be something to tip off the bandits? Or will the apprehension go off as planned? The young guns are put under wraps, and Joe even takes time to feed a puppy.