Lum and Abner – Black Market Meat. 430422

In great efforts to get Buster V Davenport back together with Charity, the old gent is finally showing interest in her. Will it work to cure his amnesia, and remember that he’s really grandpap? Buster enters the store to tell about the amazing present that he may have to win the affections of Charity once and for all.

Abner tries to guess, but rather than being the usual fare of fine gifts, jewels or furs, Buster shows off his package of steaks and roasts. He tells of the new place that just opened. It’s not the usual kind of butcher shop, there’s no signs, he heard about it from guys down at the barber shop.

Abner is impressed by the abundance of meat, but prices are well above ceiling prices set by the government. Just when Abner is tempted to get his own meat, Lum enters to complain about the black marketers in town. He tells why its against the law, and is unpatriotic, and goes against supporting the war effort, not to mention possibly unsanitary.