Quiet Please – Little Fellow. ep28, 471215

Playing the part of a midget, Ernest Chapel describes his vantage point from being able to stand up under a table. When he encounters a stranger, he ends up with a charm that lets him get three wishes. Will the tiny man use his wishes in playing poker… or in matters of love… or something else?

Under the moon and stars, Ernest begins to wish, and is surprised to find the girl of his dreams by his side. Does that mean the 400 pound Jennifer is also in love with him? Would the big woman love him any more… or any less… if he were tall?

Wishes begin coming true, but with only one wish left, the gimmick is lost at the beach when the tiny man explodes out of his clothes, and becomes the tall man of his dreams. With only one wish left, how will things turn out for Ernest? Somehow wishes have a way of coming full circle, and returning things to normal… sort of.