Greatest Story Ever Told – Blessed Are They That Mourn. ep59, 480307

Audio could use a gain boost, and noise filter. I tried, but it’s as good as I can get it.

To observe a couple of men, their bickering would lead you to think they were anything but father and son. Rifts of unforgiveness have caused each other to feel misunderstood, and dishonored. demands are made that go beyond reason.

Can disciples of the Master mediate to bring peace in the house? Whose side will they be on? The time for taking sides is behind, and grieving for a death takes its place. Regrettable words have flown, but can healing still take place for the survivors?

Steps are taken to bridge a gap, and the hard work of putting down pride begins. Can there be any victory in mourning, or being poor in spirit? Comfort and love comes quicker when selfishness is cast aside. Unconditional love goes a long way to repair fences of relationships.