Vic and Sade – Stingyberry Jam. 431111.

It’s a rainy day, and Uncle Fletcher talks with Russel and Vic about the weather. Sade joins in, but uncle Fletcher turns the conversation to the topic of stingyberry jam. The inventor of the mysterious stuff wants Fletcher to establish a sales route through town, and he explains the concept to the family.

Sade has her opinions on the jam, and her idea of it isn’t very good. Sade is a little insensitive towards uncle Fletcher as he defends the jam, and his plan to sell the stuff.


  • Uncle Fletcher ran into Ernie Fadler, who had just eaten at the Little Tiny Petite Pheasant Feather Tea Shoppy. He had eaten the following things: fresh bread, mealy potatoes, preserved peaches, olive root, rhutabaga shortcake, scalded cucumber and fed grass oxbutter!
  • Uncle Fletcher and Sade both remember Lena Pritchard from Dixon; she was a very smart girl. She could add up the numbers of the boxcars on the train when it went past. But she did it once too often and got hit by a train. Her uncle, Ollie O. McDozer, cried really loud when she got hit.
  • Uncle Fletcher says Ed Winklemanflirch from Dixon could fall asleep 30 to 40 times (presumably in a day.)
  • Sade referred to the stingyberry jam as “horrible” and described it as “green and cloudy and funny.”
  • Stingyberry jam contains 46 ingredients.
  • Sam E. Honker (from Belvidere) was a man who married a woman 19 years old and hated well water however he later cultivated a taste for it. He eventually liked well water better than warm lemonade, muskmelon cordial, choke wood fool or any drink.

–Trivia provided by Jimbo, as found at the Crazy World of Vic and Sade.