Phil Harris – Rewiring The House. 491113.

After feeling nervous, grouchy and irritable, Alice has sent Phil for a checkup at the doctors office. He wants to know: Does Phil drink? Get plenty of sleep? Getting plenty of work and exersize? Phil figures it’s just the need to do something creative and wants to do a big engineering project.

At home the girls try to convince Alice to let phil have his own kind of fun to occupy his mind. Alice isn’t much more enthused to hear of Phil’s hope to become an engineer. She lets him start out small by letting Phil change a light bulb. It leads to Phil and Frankie rewiring the house to put a light switch in the house for the garage.

Phil plugs a few of his latest recording projects before he sings, the Old Master Painter. Phil and Frankie jump right into their new roles as engineers with utter ineptness, but with maximum comedy. With Julius on hand to act as Guinea pig the household services get rearranged, but I don’t think Alice will like it much.