Quiet Please – Not Enough Time. ep18, 471006

Ernest Chapel describes a time machine. A real one that really works. He built it himself, dedicating himself to his invention in a quiet little town. Planning a trip back in time to 50 years ago, he describes his supplies. A pistol, aspirin, and some clothes from a costume shop among other items.

It didn’t take long for unexpected snags to arise. Separated from his time machine, and in jail. Time is ticking before his machine returns automatically. Making his way back to the machine, a new distraction crosses his path in the form of a cute red head. He won’t be picked up by the law again as a masher… or a drummer… will he?

The sheriff is back, and looking for that miscreant. Can love span the decades? will she believe him about the time machine? Will it matter? Should Ernest stay, or go? Take her with him, or not? Back in 1947, Ernest learns what his future… er… past holds.