Lum and Abner – Abner And Buster Play Checkers. 430218

Nothing seems to bring back grandpap’s memory, and the formula for the synthetic rubber has not been rediscovered. Without it, the prospect of shipping rubber to the government is failing, and with that, the outlook of saving the trucking route for Pine Ridge is dismal. Today in the store, Abner relates a dream he had about Buster.

Lum tells about a case of how a man regained his memory, will it work for Buster? If Buster can do some of the things he did before, will it spark a memory? Abner’s job is to get grandpap as mad as an old setting hen, and see if the anger will cure the amnesia. There’s nothing like a rousing game of checkers to get on grandpap’s nerves.

Buster claims to not have played checkers in years, and not very good at it. Abner starts out with a few illegal moves. No matter how much Abner cheats, and Lum points it out, Buster remains unflappable, and lets him get by with it. When Abner’s cheating ways aren’t fallen for, he is the one to get riled up and storm out. Didn’t Buster even realize he was being cheated?