Dragnet – Truck Hijackers. 491001.

Joe Friday and Ben Romero investigate a matter of stolen goods. A truck has been hijacked, and it’s contents are missing. In the interrogation room, the driver is grilled, until the cops hammer his weakness to make him crack. Things take a bad turn when the driver takes Joe and Ben to the Teamsters Union Hall. Joe could be facing a murder charge of his own when the suspect in his charge commits suicide.

Drama oozes from each scene as the cops are investigated. There’s still hijackers on the streets, and that missing shipment needs to be tracked down. How will it all end up? Before the bad guys are found out, and brought to justice there’s sirens blaring, a car chase, and a foot race to make sure the drama runs high to the end.

PS: Gotta love the early productions that give Joe Friday a little more character than the bland self that he would later become.