Lum and Abner – Meeting At Grandpap’s House. 421215

The meeting of the Golden Era Discussion Club takes place in grandpap’s house, and grandpa Masters is on hand, although he mostly naps quietly in a rocking chair. In dealing with his impending, and accidental proposal, Cedric is practicing being touched in the head. How has it been coming along?

When Ulysses S Quincey arrives, the meeting is called to order. OK… OK… The minutes from the previous meeting are read.

The topic is literature, and the absent professor Sloane recommends to discuss Willia m Wordsworth. The gents take turns reading poetry. Have they read enough to have a good, hot discussion of poetry?

Grandpap approves of it. Cedric is crazy over it. Grandpa Masters gets woke up for those meaningful words of Ulysses… OK.