Lum and Abner -Cedric Wins Double Grand Prize. 430111

In spite of all odds, Cedric has managed to have won his case in court. As we join Lum and Abner in the Jot Em Down store, we learn some of the down side of court costs. Who is going to pay those legal bills? What about the curious nature of a last minute elopement?

Cedric enters in high spirits. Wonderful world! He tells about his return to the freedom of playing pinball, and his high score. Abner shares the latest excuse from Ulysses S Quincey, and why he can’t host the next meeting of the discussion club.

The exuberant Cedric keeps talking about his double grand prize at pinball, while Lum calls out US Quincey on his excuses. What new excuses will Ulysses think of next? Will Cedrics exploits of determination at the pinball tables rub off on the old gents?