Lum and Abner – Cedric To Be Married Tomorrow. 421216

As Abner takes orders over the phone, Lum reviews the poem that was discussed at the Golden Era Discussion Club meeting. It has an awful deep message… if he can ever find it. The pressing matter at hand though is Cedric’s rapidly approaching wedding. He is looking worse with worry as the big day approaches.

Cedric recounts how he did his best to act crazy, to get Winifred Redfield to break off the engagement. Did it have the intended affect on Charlie Redfield? Does he think Cedric is crazy? Crazy in love with his daughter, of course. He even conned Cedric into signing a marriage license.

Caleb Wehandt is fine with his son getting married. Love notes from the mysterious mis ‘W’ have dried up. Has Cedric learned anything from this experience? Besides not to trust Lum with his love life?