Greatest Story Ever Told – They Which See Not, Shall See. ep16, 470511

A drama of spiritual vision. Peter and John discuss healing both the physically blind, and the spiritually blind.

Elsewhere we join a boy and his blind father. Joshua shares his concerns, and even bitterness at being born blind. What will Paul and his father do, with little money, and not enough food to share between them? Paul is sure things will change, and the master can help.

The deck seems stacked against Joshua, he and Paul go to the master on a Sabbath. Joshua is skeptical and bent on disproving the master can help, rather than on upholding his faith and belief. Will Paul’s trust in the master be enough? Jesus claims to be the light of the world, picks up dust, and covers Joshua’s eyes with it.

Still skeptical, Joshua goes to wash. When he sees his son for the first time, do you think he’ll be a believer now? Seeking out Jesus, a scandal arises with temple officials. Will the parents of Joshua testify he really was never blind? Is Jesus a sinner for healing on the Sabbath? How can a sinner heal? The proof is in the testimony that once he was blind, but now he sees. What thanks might Jesus want in return?