Lone Ranger – Siege Of Fort Mason. 380824

With his great horse Silver, and his trusted Indian friend Tonto, the Lone Ranger fights crime and brings justice to the Old West.

Rumors of an Indian uprising threaten Fort Mason. The Lone Ranger has also heard stories about chief Little Bear, and offers help to the army. It seems the Army captain he has encountered has heard of stories of the Lone Ranger, and welcomes his help.

Back at the fort, rumors have proven true, and battling indians have the fort under siege. The post commander feels that a spy inside the fort is leaking information to the indians. He tries to covertly send out a messenger to recall troops that are out on patrol. Hmm… a nice dramatic scene, but not the way indians ever conducted battle.

Meanwhile, the Lone Ranger convinces the captain in the field to return to the fort, since no sign of Little Bear can be found. The Lone Ranger races on ahead, and gets through to the fort. Between him and the post commander, they share ideas, and make a plan to smoke out the suspected traitor.

A story full of adventure, suspense, the glories of battle, and sneaky traitors. Far removed from any type of reality, but throw sanity to the wind, and enjoy the story for the storie’s sake.