Great Gildersleeve – Wedding Shower For Leila. ep85, 430606

As Gildy watches the rain shower outside, Marjorie keeps busy arranging the wedding shower inside for Leila Ransom. When Leroy enters with Ben, we learn the drama behind a black eye. Its off to pick up some extra tables from the Pettibones. The rain hasn’t let up, but Gildy stops in to make sure Leila will be at her surprise shower.

Has the gossip from Mrs Pettibone caused a rift? Is Gildy being compared to the first husband of the southern belle? Despite his confusing guessing game, Gildy can’t keep a secret very well.

Next, its time to pop into Peavey’s to pick up the ice cream, and more of the truth behind Leroy’s black eye comes out. Back home, the guests arrive. Judge Hooker tries to crash the ladies party, but Marjorie also has to shoo away Leroy and Gildy as well. The gals get the party started, and Leroy goes to the basement for some boxing lessons from his uncle. How will the strategy lesson work out?