Lum and Abner – The Case Gets Expensive. 420819

After confusion over selling their old delivery truck, Lum finds him in trouble in paying the commission to the repair shop for making the deal. This won’t lead them to a trip to the penitentiary will it? Squire has been on his best behavior with the gents lately. You don’t think it has to do with the gold mine… do you?

With Cedric still acting as president, Lum and Abner receive a phone call from one of the Abernathy boys, his secretary, to announce a meeting of the board of directors of the gold mine.

Squire enters with more legal problems in the fight for the gold mine. The aunt, Mrs Logan, is putting up a fight, and the fees are mounting. Is there a chance there isn’t any gold in the mine? Is there a chance that Clarabella will dump Gomer Bates for president Cedric?