Lum and Abner – Squire’s Trouble. 420901

A web of lies has been exposed, and Lum knows the whole ordeal with the baby has all been a plot of Squire to get their store. All the players in the case are fictional, but who does the baby belong to? The baby has been kidnapped, and Squire is bold enough to show up in the store to face Lum and Abner. Is he telling the truth about Mr Finnely, and his wife?

Even if the story is true about watching the baby while they were travelling, why did Squire try to take the store? More secrets emerge to explain the newspaper ad, and other mysterious happenings. Though Squire has Abner over a barrel, Cedric enters to expose yet another secret to put Squire on the spot.

Will their settling up with Squire benefit them all? Will there be any hard feelings?