Lum and Abner – Editor Of The Mena Star. 420728

After finding an ad in the want ads with the coat of arms found with the baby, Lum and Abner discuss what to do next. Lum is worried that they’ll have to give the baby up if they respond to the newspaper ad. To help decide the right thing to do, Lum wants to contact the newspaper editor.

The call goes to the county seat through Maimie, the phone operator, who takes time to gossip with Lum. The gossiping operator fills in some of the happenings of the residents of Pine Ridge, but will that call ever be put through?

Editor Ed Beckley, lets Lum know about the ad, and the man who placed it. Does he know anything further about the coat of arms? Has Lum’s curiosity been satisfied enough to trust the baby to him? There’s still a little bit of gossip for Maimie to share, and she calls back to pass it along.