Lum and Abner – The Rumor Backfires. 420625

To combat the rumor mill, Lum has started a rumor of his own. Today, Mousey has a full report on how well it worked. The accurate, and tedious detail is enough overkill to drive Lum stark raving mad crazy. Has the planted love note been received? Has Lum’s counter rumor been affective?

The idea is to move the gossip that Abner is seeing an old flame named Annabelle, on to Lum. Has Lum thought of the possibilities, and things that could go wrong? As the pair gloat over the success that is yet to materialize, Lum thinks he ought to publish a book on his expertise.

Mousey admires Lum, and his friendship with Abner. Right up to the point that Abner enters, downhearted, and confused over the latest flare up in gossip, and Lizabeth’s renewed cold shoulder towards him. Uh-oh, time to regroup, and form plan B… if there is a plan B.