Lum and Abner – Abner’s Troubles. 420629

Gossip has led to Lizabeth and Little Pearl leaving town, but they didn’t say where they went. Abner worries, and is impatient at not hearing word back on relatives who she may be staying. Lum tries to cheer him up with positive thoughts.

Abner misses even the annoyances of the noise his wife made when she worked at her woman’s work around the place. Chopping fire wood, cooking, and all manner of farm chores. If only he knew where she went, he’d go and carry her all the way back home.

Imaginations run wild as Abner runs scenes of rescuing Lizabeth from shotgun toting relatives. Lum tries to direct the attention to reality, and the real source of the problem. Who was it who actually started the rumor about Annabelle, and got the rumor mill started?