Jack Benny – Murder In The Library. 380515.

News about a race horse that Jack bought comes out, and Don teases him about it. The horse related jokes continue as the rest of the cast enter, and quiz Jack on his horse sense. At least Kenny is impressed with Jack’s picture of his horse. Kenny sings, I Fall In Love with You Everyday.

Kenny talks with Jack about his girl troubles, then Don pops in to lead into a commercial. Jack introduces the dramatic murder mystery play, Murder in the Library. Andy Devine and Schlepperman pop in to talk about their farms. Jack returns to his horse jokes, then Phil plays a tune.

Detective OBenny and his assistants investigate. Mary is the recurring widow whith the seemingly endless supply of husbands. Kenny has a hot tip on counterfeit money, but with the slump in activities the guys are excited to be taking on the big murder case. Jokes of all varieties are put in the mix, especially horse jokes, as the investigation digs in. To help clear the air, Lou Holz gives Jack the important clues in double talk. Getting a little too close for comfort, Mary slips him a mickey, and some double talk of her own. Don closes with another Jello recipe idea.