Father Knows Best – The Skunk Must Go. ep51, 501012

When Jim Andersen arrives home, he’s quickly buttered up by his kids. Should he be suspicious to their motives? Bud enters with other good news, he won a prize. Well, if you can count a skunk as a prize. He’s housebroken, and everything! At least Kathy likes and appreciates the critter.

The deodorized Lily ought to make as good of a pet as any cat… as long as Jim doesn’t turn her out.
Betty is terrified at every little twich of the animal, Margret would at least like to find a good home for Lily. How about the zoo? The idea of having the skunk shot unites all the women folk to rally behind the skunk. How will Jim hope to get rid of Lily?

Days pass, and the day of the big skunk raffle arrives. Jim moans about the expenses behind the raffle, and the lack of ticket sales to support the endeavor. Can he do any better than Bud and Kathy did? The proceeds are to go to the church.. its a worthy cause… right?

The reverend draws the lucky number, and the skunk goes to its new owner… Kathy?