Burns and Allen – With Veronica Lake. 430216

Are there wedding bells in the future for Tootsie Bagwell? Or is Gracie just being hopeful for her? The Happy Postman shares his system for being hale and hearty, and delivers a package. Will the beauty kit transform Tootsie into a double for the gorgeous Veronica Lake? Bill Goodwin visits, but isn’t aware that Tootsie has a target on him to be her groom. Will he marry her if the beauty treatment actually transforms Tootsie?

Paul Whiteman and the band plays, while the Six Hits and a Miss sing that oldie from vaudeville days, For Me and My Gal. To oversee the application of the mud pack, beauty masks, and other contraptions, Gracie has invited Veronica Lake herself to come over. The gals talk about dating failures, and difficulties in looking like movie stars. Veronica thinks her success in getting so much attention is because she’s a good cook. Is there any hope for Tootsie? George is unaware of the visiting Veronica. Will he think the transformation really worked? Jimmy Cash sings, Night and Day.

Of course the return of Bill means the second installment of the sponsor message, but will he also think the beauty treatments have miraculous powers? Helping out a pal, Veronica tries to impersonate the man crazy Tootsie. Will the proposal go through? Will George’s warnings about the switch be heeded? Tootsie listens from the next room as Gracie gives the descriptive play by play of the romance going down in the next room.