My Favorite Husband – Absent Mindedness. 490225.

The ongoing story of two married people who live together, and like it!

Liz and George Cooper arrive home after a party that never happened. Liz forgot that it was for another night. As they try to enter, she forgot where she put her key. The maid, Katie lets them in, and between her and George share more about the memory problem Liz has.

What she needs is a class in memory training. The professor introduces Liz to memory techniques like word association, and other methods. When the session is over, the doc needs a lift, but Liz forgot where she parked her car. Was it stolen? She reports it to police officer, Frank Nelson. The cops find the stolen car with George Cooper driving it, which sets up a scene where the cops refuse to believe him.

Liz meets the cops downtown, and is surprized to find George in chains. The cops are finally convinced that George is who he says he is. To coverup, Liz feigns amnesia. The police psychiatrist is called in, and it’s the same doctor with the memory class, hans Conried. Liz is found out, but as George walks her to the car they make up, but the car is stolen for real this time.

When Liz has to report the car to the cops, they now think she may be a known car thief. Police psychiatrist tries to hypnotize Liz to get the truth out of her, but of course it doesn’t quite work out. Just how crazy is Liz? Only the psychiatrists tests will tell.

On the walk home, Liz and George find their car, but it’s out of gas. As a final moment, the cops pull up to check on the reported stolen car, only to have Liz and George both pretend to have amnesia.