Case Dismissed – Child Support. ep4, 540220

A lawyer, Elliot Roose, takes a look at the matter of a friend of his in need of collecting child support from her derelect husband. Shouldn’t this be a matter for her divorce lawyer to handle? Regardless, Elliot helps Alice get her legal ducks in a row, and fast action is taken.

Communication with her husband is made, and the potential consequences are shared. Will he be willing to work out a compromise to resolve the matter? Fast forward to the courtroom where matters of contempt of court, past due payments, and adjustments of the support payments are decided on. Will the required payments put the husband and his new family in a bind?

Jack tries to duck out, and leave town to avoid paying his child support. Wow, how stupid can this guy be? It’s child support, not wife support. He doesn’t seem to care about his own kid. Quick legal action restrains him from leaving the city. Will the sheriff catch up to him in time? Attempts at jumping town, misrepresenting his case to his lawyer, and more, all lead to cutting short all Jack’s options. Will he wise up, and do what’s right for his boy? Forget second chance, does he deserve a third chance?