Great Gildersleeve – Winning The War (re-creation). ep47, 420913

A modern re-enactent, using new actors, but the original script, including the commercial announcements. Enjoy this presentation of Gildy and his friends… with slight Southern accents.

At the breakfast table, Gildy reads about how much scrap metal it takes to make bombs for the war effort. Will Birdie give up her kitchen appliances? Gildy decides to give up his car to the scrap drive. Birdie does her part in helping with the broken down car. Marjorie joins in, but gets sentimental at the memories she made in the old car. By the time Gildy is covered with grease and antifreeze, Leroy gets home.

Always up for a good brag, and to surprise his niece and nephew, Gildy shows off his bike riding prowess. Feeling his aches and pains, Gildy pops in at Peevey’s drug store. Will Gildy be receptive to what the newspaper has to say about the attitudes on the war? Well… I wouldn’t say that Feeling that some of the constraints of the government has placed on citizens, and wartime inflation, a letter to his congressman is in order for Gildy.

Back to doing his part, as he sees it, Gildy surveys other ways the household can sacrifice for the war. Switching back from a gas, to a coal furnace, among others. With Leroy’s help, the great man explores the dusty attic. More scrap is found, papers, rubber,, and… a wasp? Marjorie and Leroy get a kick out of old photos and letters of Gildie’s youth. Relaxing with a cigar, and a soft seat, has Gildy won the war single handed. What will the judge have to contribute for the war effort?