Great Gildersleeve – Quiet Evening at Home. ep55, 421108

Worrying over the monthly bills, Gildersleeve decides that one way to cut down on expenses is to stay home, and not go running out in the evenings. How will the rest of the family feel about his putting an end to dates, and hanging out with friends? Besides all that, the scrimping on the budget will generate more money to buy war bonds, and help win the war.

On the way to the office, Gildy’s idea snowballs and grows. He shares his idea of the quiet night at home with Judge Hooker, Peavey, Doc Pettybone, and even his secretary Miss Fitch. The conversations add to the education of the public on the importance of war bonds.

Sparing no expense, Gildy picks up snack foods, board games, and as if he hasn’t already spent the money he hoped to save… he buys a piano.

The evening starts out tame enough, with Gildy reading a chapter from Ivanhoe to his very bored niece and nephew. Leila Ransom joins the fun, playing piano as Gildy sings. Then each of the other friends pop in, including Miss Fitch, who actually seems to be having a good time. Soon, more snacks are sent for, and the full blown party threatens to break Gildy’s bank. Maybe he ought to have more quiet nights in… to save money… and help the war effort… nah.

Note: I get the comedy of Gildy going overboard in preparing snacks and parrty favors… but a piano? Even a second hand one? That’s ridiculous. Crazy stuff.