Great Gildersleeve – Planting a Tree. ep50, 421004

It’s the time of year where the air is brisk, and the smell of falling leaves being burned fill the air. Gildy tells Leroy and Marjorie about the tree he bought to plant. Where should he plant the cherry tree? Using the young bak of Leroy, Gildy has the hole dug. Will Birdie make any further progress? How deep does that hole need to be? Are they planting a tree, or digging a swimming pool?

Miss Ransom visits, and Gildy tries to impress her with his work at digging. Peeve even stop by for a quick chat. Miss Ransom leaves as the judge arrives. Gildy is amazed at the little twig of a tree that finally gets delivered.

Leroy undoes his hard work and gets the hole downsized enough to plant the tiny tree.
A new twist shows up in the form of having low water pressure. What can Gildy do about that, besides complain to the judge? Gildy gets a petition going to overthrow Clannahan and remove the lazy town official. Everybody agrees on the problem, but nobody wants to openly go against Clannahan. Will his efforts impress Leila Ransom?

Note: This is the first time that Miss Ransom is mentioned, and appears in the show. Another first is Gildy’s becoming Water Commissioner. Floyd the barber also appears for the first time, but its Mel Blanc, rather than Arthur. Q Brian, who would play the part for the rest of the series.