Father Knows Best – Betty’s Engagement. ep177, 531112

Jim Anderson is upset over an injury, due to a skate left on the steps. He goes on a tirade on how kids these days aren’t as disciplined as he was at 9 years old. Kathy won’t be getting her angel wings she needed for the school play. Maybe Betty’s perkiness can lighten the mood at the breakfast table? She doesn’t even want to borrow anything… she just drops the bomb that she is going to be married!

What does Jim and Margret think of the delicate soul of Billy Smith? Has mom and dad forgotten what it’s like to be young and in love? Jim forbids the marriage, even though Billy is the son of his friend and best client, Hector.

A dinner has been arranged, so the families can get to know each other better. How would Bud like to take Kathy out to see a movie? He’d rather take a gorilla, but they go.
What do the Smiths think about a marriage between the youngsters? Jim decides a little reverse psychology is needed, and suggests they marry immediately. It pressures Billy to consider the costs and responsibilities. How will he ever manage household on his allowance? Betty isn’t too keen on shouldering the brunt of the house cleanng chores either. Has the situation with the teen agers been resolved? How about a new rift? One between the parents? It’s not a total loss, is it?