Sealed Book – The Hands Of Death. ep1, 450317

The old keeper of the book has many tales for you. Today he has a tale of two brothers. On a foggy night in San Fransisco, a man is terrified of an old man, and his hands. What could be so terrible to lead to murder?

The cops investigate, and a cashmere shawl that belongs to a recently murdered lady becomes tied to this latest murder. How many others might it be connected to? The brother of the murdered man sets a trap for the man with the unusual hands by placing an ad in the classified ads of the newspaper.

Caine arrives, but who is looking for who? Caine seems to have a beef with the brother as well. Will the simple minded Caine be outsmarted, or just use450317d to take the fall for yet another killing? Who is the real sinister one in the picture? The cops have their man… right? A supernatural, and spooky, twist of fate ensures that real justice is done.