Sherlock Holmes – The Armchair Solution. ep144, 360606

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

Dr Watson shares how an armchair is the focal point to keep Sherlock Holmes at home, instead of out on adventure. The idleness of having no mystery or danger begins to wear on the famous detective. The pessimistic and skeptical Sherlock points out the activity of passing folks in the neighborhood. The optimistic, and slightly oblivious, Watson is surprised to have the drama of the neighbors exposed to him.

Curious events lead Holmes and Watson out to go on the trail of a mystery. Being the nosy neighbor, Holmes watches the outside activity, and isn’t surprised when the cops come calling to tell about a murder right in the neighborhood. How do Holmes observations thus far mesh with the details the police have? Are they on the trail to the right killer? What details are the cops overlooking?

Holmes points out evidence that clears the suspect, and implicates the killer. The cops only follow through to humor him. Sure enough, he has solved another crime, but stay tuned to hear how he pieced all the clues together to figure it out, and explain every step of the murder.