Marx Brothers Remakes – Finding A Lost Child On Christmas. 920815

It’s Christmas Day and both Flywheel and Revelli are out on the street corner, ringing the bell to collect charity money. Flywheel has the Christmas spirit and dresses as santa, but Revelli doesn’t quite get the whole concept of the costume thing.

Passerby’s are skeptical, and give them grief. The landlord stops to complain about not getting paid his rent. When they find a lost little girl, they take her in, and set about finding a warm meal for them all to eat. If only they had money.

They find themselves in a swanky place, with plans to eat and duck out on the bill. The bad news is that the girl announces to anybody who will listen that they don’t have any money. The good news is that she actually led them to the restaurant that her dad owns, and he’s willing to do them a favor. He even trusts Flywheel and Revelli to watch the business for the evening while he steps out with his daughter. Wow, bad move.

Applying all the humor and jokes they can muster about the restaurant and food industry, designed to offend the most people as possible, they set out to drive the customers away. Even if it has to break down to Flywheel and Revelli bursting out into song. A song about who won’t be missed this Christmas.

With as much damage done as possible, the two partners do their best to have a Merry Christmas.